
RESLAC repudiates the embat against the autonomy of the IACHR and supports its work in the region in matters of Memory, Truth, Justice and Reparation

The Network of Latin American and Caribbean Sites of Memory (Red de Sitios de Memoria Latinoamericanos y Caribeños – RESLAC) repudiates the embat led by the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, against the autonomy of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR). Unilaterally and untimely, Almagro decided not to renew the administrative contract of the executive secretary of the IACHR, Paulo Abrão, ignoring the extension of his mandate as unanimously defined by the Commission for the 2020/2024 period. This decision seriously affects not only the independence and performance of the Commission, but also the group of organizations that fight for the defense and enforcement of human rights in the region, for whom the IACHR is in many cases the last resort to justice or advocacy to protect your rights, limit or stop abuses, and encourage affirmative interventions.

-August 26, 2020-

Faced with this abusive interference by the OAS, which ultimately seeks to de facto discipline the Commission, as the Network of Sites of Memory in Latin America and the Caribbean, we state the following:

– The autonomy and independence of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights is one of the pillars that strengthen its legitimacy vis-à-vis civil society, victims of human rights violations, and the States.

– The IACHR, thanks to its reinforced autonomy and independence, carries out its work impartially, free from any political influence and is an example and a reference for the world.

– We reject this interference and intrusion with the exercise of the mandate of the IACHR and, in particular, with its power to elect, renew and dismiss its trusted officials.

– We express our appreciation for the work carried out by the Commission during the four years that Paulo Abrão was its Executive Secretary, promoting the observance and defense of human rights in our Region at especially critical moments for the continent. Notwithstanding this, we urge that the OAS Ombudsperson report be made public, as well as that a due investigation be implemented, in order not to weaken the credibility and independence of the IACHR.

– We condemn this decision of the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, which deepens his previous public positions in favor of a regional human rights system aligned with the interests of the hegemonic powers, and biased in its interventions.

RESLAC, which in recent years has maintained permanent contact with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and with its Rapporteurship on Memory, Truth and Justice, both to report on the situation of the memory sites and spaces in the region, and to denounce abuses and attacks, respond to calls from the Commission, participate in hearings and sessions, or collaborate in the collective construction of protection tools such as the “Principles on Public Policies on Memory in the Americas”, wants to highlight the support and accompaniment received by the IACHR to the sites that make up our Network and its role in safeguarding and advocating on human rights at the hemispheric level.


Memoria Abierta –RESLAC Coordinator

The Secretariat of the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience

Network of Latin American and Caribbean Sites of Memory –RESLAC:

Archivo Provincial de la Memoria – Argentina

Centro Cultural por la Memoria de Trelew – Argentina

Comisión de Homenaje a las Víctimas de los CCD Vesubio y Protobanco – Argentina

Museo de la Memoria de Rosario – Argentina

Museo Sitio Memoria ESMA – Argentina

Faro de la Memoria – Argentina

Museo Internacional de la Democracia – Argentina

Parque de la Memoria – Argentina

Casa do Povo – Brasil

Museo de la Inmigración– Brasil

Memorial de la Resistencia – Pinacoteca del Estado de San Pablo –  Brasil

Núcleo de Preservación de la Memoria Política – Brasil

Memorial das Ligas e Lutas Camponesas – Brasil

Asociación de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos y Mártires por la Liberación Nacional (ASOFAMD) – Bolivia

Memorial  Paine: Un lugar para la memoria – Chile

Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos – Chile

Estadio Nacional – Chile

Comité de Derechos Humanos Nido Veinte – Chile

Casa Memoria José Domingo Cañas – Fundación 1367 – Chile

Corporación Parque por la Paz Villa Grimaldi – Chile

Asociación por la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos Colonia Dignidad – Chile

Fundación de Ayuda Social de las Iglesias Cristianas (F.A.S.I.C) – Chile

Corporación de Memoria y Cultura de Puchuncaví – Chile

Centro Cultural Museo y Memoria de Neltume – Chile

Centro de Memoria, Paz y Reconciliación – Colombia

Museo Casa Memoria de Medellín – Colombia

Red Colombiana de Lugares de Memoria – Colombia

Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen  – El Salvador

Instituto Internacional de Aprendizaje para la Reconciliación Social -IIARS-  Guatemala

Memorial para la Concordia – Guatemala

Archivo Histórico de la Policía Nacional – Guatemala

Centro de la Memoria Juan Gerardi – Guatemala

Centro para la Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos -CALDH- Guatemala

Dévoir de Memoire – Haití

Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de las Casas – México

Sociedad Civil Las Abejas – México

Museo Memoria y Tolerancia – México

Centro de Investigaciones Históricas de los Movimientos Sociales – México

Museo de las Memorias: Dictaduras y Derechos Humanos – Paraguay

Dirección de Verdad, Justicia y Reparación – Defensoría del Pueblo – Paraguay

Asociación  Paz y Esperanza – Perú

Movimiento Ciudadano Para Que No Se Repita – Perú

Asociación Nacional de Familiares de Secuestrados, Detenidos y Desaparecidos del Perú (ANFASEP)

Asociación Caminos de la Memoria – Perú

Memorial de la Resistencia Dominicana – R. Dominicana

Centro Cultural Museo de la Memoria – MUME  – Uruguay

Fundación Zelmar Michelini – Uruguay