Memoria Abierta

Memoria Abierta has amassed a massive archive of photos, newspaper clippings, survivor and witness testimonies. Besides, this institution build up a Its continually-updated “Topography of Memory” maps, with more than 360 clandestine detention centers across the country, showing the extent of the operation.
But collecting materials that could languish in an archive was never the goal. Memoria Abierta uses these materials in campaigns to raise public demand for accountability. Today, the materials serve as evidence in the ongoing trials of perpetrators in the last Dictatorship, and in educational programs and exhibits, they help build a strong and open democracy as a safeguard against future authoritarianism.
As coordinator of the Latin American Sites of Conscience Network, Memoria Abierta helps unify the voices across the continent demanding justice through remembrance. The recent online exhibit TRANSICIONES brings together iconic images collected by 24 Latin American Sites of Conscience that depict moments of transition from democracy to dictatorship in nine countries. The aim? To provoke debate on what transitions to democracy mean.
(54-11) 5275-2170
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Av. Libertador 8151, CABA, Edificio "30.000 Compañeros Presentes"