Núcleo da Preservação da Memória Política

“Know the past. Understand the present. Build the future”.
Founded in 2009, the Center of Political Memory Preservation helps to promote public politics based in the subjects of Political Memory and defense of the Human Rights through educational initiatives.
The organization first appeared as a work group of the Permanent Forum of Former Political Prisoners of São Paulo, institution which was founded to defend the interest of the former political prisoners and those persecuted during the Brazilian civil-military dictatorship between 1964-1985.
Connected to more than 30 similar institutions in Brazil and other countries of Latin America, the Center promotes the awareness of public and private organizations on the importance of transforming into Memorials the places where occurred violations of the human rights, especially during the dictatorships of the continent.
In this scenario, in 2013 it was granted to the Brazilian Lawyers Order (OAB) the building that used to house the Military Court of São Paulo. Jointly with the Center, the place will be transformed in the Memorial of the Fight for Justice, with the purpose to remember the lawyers that acted to protected those who were against the dictatorship. Since then, the Center and the OAB have been promoting cultural and educational activities in the building, such as a movie festival and a course.
In 2014, jointly with many other organizations, the Center worked for the building where functioned the DOI-Codi (an institution of repression of the dictatorship that was responsible for the kidnap, torture and murder of many political prisoners) to be listed as a national heritage.
(55-11) 2306-4801
[email protected]
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Av. Brigadeiro Luís Antônio 2.050 - Bloco B conj. 141, Bela Vista, São Paulo/SP